Inspired by a recent newsletter from Heinz Kabutz as well as Scala's Futures which I investigated in my recent book, I set about using Java 8 to write an example of how to submit work to an execution service and respond to its results asynchronously, using callbacks so that there is no need to block any threads waiting for the results from the execution service. Theory says that calling blocking methods like get on a java.util.concurrent.Future is bad, because the system will need more than the optimum number of threads if it is to continuously do work, and that results in wasting time with context switches. In the Scala world, frameworks like Akka use programming models that mean that the frameworks will never block - the only time a thread blocks is when a user programs something which blocks, and they are discouraged from doing that. By never blocking, the framework can get away with using about one thread per core which is many less than say a standard JBoss Java EE Application Server, that has as many as 400 threads just after startup. Due largely to the work of the Akka framework, Scala 2.10 added Futures and Promises, but these don't (yet?) exist in Java. The following code shows the goal I had in mind. It has three parts to it. Firstly, new tasks are added to the execution service using the static future method found in the class ch.maxant.async.Future. It returns a Future, but not one from the…