We often build applications which need to do several of the following things together: call backend (micro-) services, write to a database, send a JMS message, etc. But what happens if there is an error during a call to one of these remote resources, for example if a database insert fails, after you have called a web service? If a remote service call writes data, you could end up in a globally inconsistent state because the service has committed its data, but the call to the database has not been committed.In such cases you will need to compensate the error, and typically the management of that compensation is something that is complex and hand written. Arun Gupta of Red Hat writes about different microservice patterns in the DZone Getting Started with Microservices Refcard. Indeed the majority of those patterns show a microservice calling multiple other microservices. In all these cases, global data consistency becomes relevant, i.e. ensuring that failure in one of the latter calls to a microservice is either compensated, or the commital of the call is re-attempted, until all the data in all the microservices is again consistent. In other articles about microservices there is often little or no mention of data consistency across remote boundaries, for example the good article titled "Microservices are not a free lunch" where the author just touches on the problem with the statement "when things have to happen ... transactionally ...things get complex with us needing to manage ... distributed transactions to…