In my previous post I examined a fictitious trading engine and compared a Java based blocking solution to a Node.js based non-blocking solution. At the end of the post I wrote that: I suspect that following the recent success of Node.js, more and more asynchronous Java libraries will start to appear. Well such libraries already exist, for example: Akka, Spray, and this Mysql async driver. I set myself the challenge of creating a non-blocking Java based solution using exactly those libraries, so that I could compare its performance to that of the Node.js solution created for the last article. The first thing you might have noticed is that these are all Scala based libraries, but I wrote this solution in Java even though it is a little less syntactically elegant. In the last article I introduced a solution based upon Akka whereby the trading engine was wrapped in an actor. Here, I have dropped Tomcat as the HTTP server and replaced it with Spray, which neatly integrates the HTTP server straight into Akka. In theory this should make no difference to performance, because Spray is NIO just as Tomcat 8 is, out of the box. But what attracted me to this solution was that overall, the number of threads is greatly reduced, as Spray, Akka and the async Mysql library all use the same execution context. Running on my Windows development machine, Tomcat has over 30 threads compared to just a few over 10 for the solution built here, or…