XA transactions are useful and out of the box, Play 2.0 today does not have support for them. Here I show how to add that support:
First off, some examples when XA is useful:
– JPA uses two physical connections if you use entities from two different persistence.xml – those two connections might need to be committed in one transaction, so XA is your only option
– Committing a change in a database and at the same time committing a message to JMS. E.g. you want to guarantee that an email is sent after you successfully commit an order to the database, asynchronously. There are other ways, but JMS provides a transactional way to do this with little overhead in having to think about failure.
– Writing to a physically different database because of any of several political reasons (legacy system, different department responsible for different database server / different budgets).
– See http://docs.codehaus.org/
So the way I see it, XA is something Play needs to "support".
Adding support is very easy. I have created a play plugin which is based on Bitronix. Resources are configured in the Bitronix JNDI tree (why on earth does Play use a config file rather than JNDI?! anyway…) You start the transaction like this, "withXaTransaction":
def someControllerMethod = Action {
withXaTransaction { ctx =>
val tickets = TicketRepository.
} The ctx object is an XAContext (my own class) which lets you look up resources like a datasource, or set rollback in case of a failure. So the validation repo does this, using ScalaQuery (I used "withSession" rather than "withTransaction!"):
def addValidation(bookingRef: String, validator: User, ctx: XAContext) = {
val ds = ctx.lookupDS("jdbc/maxant/
Database.forDataSource(ds) withSession { implicit db: Session =>
And the ticket repo does the following with JMS:
def addValidation(user: User, bookingRef: String, ctx: XAContext) = {
val xml =
val qcf = ctx.lookupCF("jms/maxant/
val qc = qcf.createConnection("
val qs = qc.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
val q = qs.createQueue("
val sender = qs.createProducer(q)
val m = qs.createTextMessage(xml.
I’ve tested it with writing to MySQL and sending a JMS message to JBoss (HornetQ) and it seems to work well (except getting hornetQ to play with Bitronix was a bitch – see here: https://community.jboss.org/
The scala code for the XA support is:
package ch.maxant.scalabook.play20.
import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader
import play.api.mvc.Results
import play.api.mvc.Request
import play.api.mvc.AnyContent
import play.api.mvc.Result
import play.api.mvc.Action
import play.api.mvc.Security
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.data._
import play.api.data.Forms._
import ch.maxant.scalabook.
import bitronix.tm.
import java.util.Hashtable
import javax.naming.Context._
import javax.naming.InitialContext
import javax.sql.DataSource
import bitronix.tm.
import java.io.File
import org.scalaquery.session.
import org.scalaquery.SQueryException
import scala.collection.mutable.
import java.sql.Connection
import java.sql.SQLException
import org.scalaquery.session.Session
import bitronix.tm.
import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
class XAContext {
private val env = new Hashtable[String, String]()
private val namingCtx = new InitialContext(env);
var rollbackOnly = false
def lookup(name: String) = {
def lookupDS(name: String) = {
def lookupCF(name: String) = {
trait XASupport { self: Controller =>
private lazy val tm = play.api.Play.current.plugin[
case Some(plugin) => plugin.tm
case None => throw new Exception("There is no XASupport plugin registered. Make sure it is enabled. See play documentation. (Hint: add it to play.plugins)")
* Use this flow control to make resources used inside `f` commit with the XA protocol.
* Conditions: get resources like drivers or connection factories out of the context passed to f.
* Connections are opened and closed as normal, for example by the withSession flow control offered
* by ScalaQuery / SLICK.
def withXaTransaction[T](f: XAContext => T): T = {
//get a ref to the transaction, in case when we want to commit we are no longer on the same thread and TLS has lost the TX.
//we have no idea what happens inside f! they might spawn new threads or send work to akka asyncly
val t = tm.getCurrentTransaction
val ctx = new XAContext()
var completed = false
val result = f(ctx)
completed = true
if(!completed || ctx.rollbackOnly){
//in case of exception, or in case of set rollbackOnly = true
class XASupportPlugin(app: play.Application) extends Plugin {
protected[plugins] var tm: BitronixTransactionManager = null
override def onStart {
//TODO how about getting config out of jar!
val file = new File(".", "app/bitronix-default-config.
val prop = System.getProperty("bitronix.
//start the TM
tm = TransactionManagerServices.
override def onStop {
//on graceful shutdown, we want to shutdown the TM too
Logger("XASupport").info("TM shut down")
Use the code as you like, I’m giving it away for free 🙂 Just don’t complain if it don’t work 😉
It would be nice to see this plugin extended and turned into something a little more production ready. Even nicer would be for Play to support a transaction manager natively, including fetching resources out of JNDI.
Have fun!
(copyright Ant Kutschera 2012)